Frequently Asked Question

Why was one of my charges declined?
Last Updated 5 years ago

Declines can happen for a variety of reasons. When we submit a charge to your bank, they have automated systems that determine whether or not to accept the charge. These systems take various signals into account, such as your spending habits, account balance, and card information like the expiration date and CVC. Since these signals are constantly changing, a previously successful card might be declined in the future. Even if all of the card information is correct, and you previously had a successful payment, a future charge can still be declined by a bank’s overzealous fraud systems.

How can I find out more information about a specific decline?

We show as much information as we receive from from your bank about a decline. Unfortunately most declines are generic, so we don’t have much information as to why a charge was specifically declined. If all of the card information seems correct, it is best to contact your bank, inquire for more information, and ask for future charges to be accepted.

How do I decrease the likelihood of declines?

The correctness of the card number, the expiration data, and the CVC are the primary factors used by the bank when deciding whether or not to accept a transaction. The influence of other data, like the address or name, varies by card brand. For example, only American Express consider the customer’s name.

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